On Wednesday 16 January 2008 10:51, Raj Mathur wrote:
>On Wednesday 16 Jan 2008, tirveni yadav wrote:
>> Guys,
>> RMS's article in Economic Times (16th January 2008):Digital
>> Colonisation curtailing right to creativity -
>> http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Interview/Richard_Stallman_Found
>>e r_President_Free_Software_Foundation/articleshow/2703364.cms
>Brutally hacked by either the editor or a reporter who's more
> interested in making deadlines than in verity of his/her reporting. 
> At some places RMS seems to be saying stuff that he's opposed to in
> principle, at other places the conversation jumps completely out of
> context. 

Exactly! Though I have emailed the reporter about errors, I could only 
think of technical details which may not be well understood by the 
reporter. So, I have asked him to verify details from 
http://www.gnu.org and gnu.org.in  

> Worth a read still :) 

Not till they correct errors and republish the article with correct 
details, IMNSHO. 

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