On Friday 18 January 2008 17:24, Siddharth Shekhar wrote:

>from where I can get UBUNTU CD mailed to my hostel room in a week or
> so..

An earlier email suggested that you can order a CD from Ubuntu's Shipit 
service. If you are ready to wait for more than three weeks, you can 
order it from there. Someone from this mailing list has also offered to 
give you a copy of Ubuntu Linux. Kindly email him *offlist* (i.e. send 
an email to him, directly, without including the list address) and get 
in touch with him. 

>Am am a student, So i cant affoard paid OS's..

Hmm, :-? 

(Psst... though not necessary, it is usually a good idea to read your 
draft before hitting the send button: hint hint ...). 

>And i am againt QUIT piracy

Coo! However, you need to understand the ideology of Free and Open 
Source Software (apart from knowing that /most/ distributions are free 
of cost and redistributable). 

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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