I am in sort of stupid project. As my company doesn't allow Y! messenger
just to be following ISO standards, which says 'external chat software and
file-sharing software should not be allowed in corporate, as it would leak
the private documents".
ANd i agree that for certain limit. Private documents are the sole property
of company.
BUt since the new client has asked to provide Y! messenger to everyone
working on their project, so they and onsite people can have better
communication, it is now a problem. The company has provided that, but now
asked me if I can get to disable the File-Transfer and Chat-Room features in
it. THe highest priority is to disable the File-Transfer features.

I searched Internet, and came up with no easy and quick solution. (** GRR,
Y! should have a feature to restrict)**.

I came up with some  faint solution. Here are those:
Edit the source of Pigdin, disable File-Sharing/Transfer feature. But since
its in C/C++, a major problem for us. People here are specialized in Java,
Dot.NET. Myself in Opensource Techs, and somehow Python (which I know less,
but like most). So development/editing in C++ is challenger/.

The second idea is to develop own Web-based MEssenger something like Meebo
(we can't use Meebo as it is restricted and also it has the file-sharing
feature). We can use the same nice library libpurple, but since there is no
python binding for it, it again is a sort of problem for me.

The third idea is to edit the Y! messenger binary, find the port it uses for
the transfer (80) and restrict it.

But none of these satisfies me. I am still looking for some better idea,
therefore I put the problem infront of you.
Suggest me your creative and better idea,. Also, if someone can suggest me
solution around python, it would be great.
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