On 26/03/2008, Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sudev Barar wrote:
>  > I have three different flavours of Linux on my laptop...Ubuntu, Debian
>  > and Ubuntu Beta. The third really is changed from time to time to
>  > Fedora/CentOs/Suse etc... for testing.
>  >
>  > Common problem was how to keep mail/browser and my ssh keys etc.
>  > working when I switch from distro to distro. I solved this by making a
>  > link to the following directories in my home of second and third OS
>  > (note the ".")
> How about having /home as a separate partition, and using that partition
>  as /home in each of the distros?

That is what I had done first. But the configurations file s(usually
.gconf* ) get all mixed up and crashes etc. happen. This way I have
basically kept one /home/user/document directory and each distro has
/home/user plus mounted /home/user/document

Sudev Barar

Read http://blog.sudev.in for topics ranging from here to there.

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