
just read this news in delhi's edition of the hindu as well. Page 8 of
today's newspaper.
Next steps:
1. Those interested may clip and post the newspaper cutting on their
office and college noticeboards.
2. Ditto for the open letter to TCS, Wipro, Infosys.
3. Publish photos of these on your blogs and on the wikia site of fci.
4. Consider holding a similar candle vigil in delhi, and invite the press.
5. Spread the word around.
6. Windows users: now's a good time to install openoffice export
plugins into msoffice. Even better, install and use openoffice.org
under windows, and much better: use openoffice.org under gnu/linux.
7. Email the openletter to the 3 companies and anybody else in the odf
format. Obviously.
add your own recommendations.

niyam bhushan

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