On Tuesday 22 Apr 2008, sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> [snip]
> >  Why Google?  It won't let me join the group unless I have a Google
> >  account, and it won't let non-Google-members view archives, etc.
> >
> >  I presume increasing Google's market worth isn't one of the
> > objectives of this discussion forum.
> Instead of adding something to the topic (ICT policy in India) , why
> are you diverting attention to other topics which does not contribute
> to anything.
> Either you help them directly/indirectly by giving some
> webspace/mailing list etc. or just add some value to the group with
> some relevant mails.
> If not, the point you have raised (may or may not be valid) is
> useless.

I'm adding to the noise since I want to subscribe to that list, but I 
sure don't want to subscribe to Gmail just for that purpose.  I'm 
probably not the only one, though I guess most people would just shrug 
and say ``Oh well, let's create a Gmail account''.

I consider making a list devoted to open topics more open a contribution 

Oh, and BTW, I'd already offered an alternative hosting provider to 
Nagarjuna after my initial post.  Even if I hadn't, however, I'd still 
consider my initial objection relevant and contributory.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves

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