Golly goshers!

While building a bandwidth monitor for MTNL today I was thinking of a way of
(ab)using a peculiar MTNL quirk: viz: uploads are not capped on any of their
broadband plans. It's the quintessential Indian blood in me ...

Now, a while ago during a post-presentation discussion at a Freedel/Freed do
I'd suggested a way around the broadcast limitation of an internet radio
server (ie the maximum number of streaming listeners that it can cope with)
- the proposed solution was p2p broadcasting. I didn't know if it existed
already, but the idea was that a p2p broadcasting network would work so that
the more popular a station is, the better the service will be. Anyway, I
forgot about it for a while.

Until today. Today I stumbled onto the peercast applicaton,
(http://www.peercast.org/), which has been around for a while. Also does
video. Neat. More at http://www.peercast.org/info.php

It means that anyone can be an internet radio/tv station that can grow
without worrying about bandwidth. I find that flabbergasting.


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