I have built KDE 3.5.9 from the source on Redhat Enterprise 4 machine, since
I do not have root access.
I build xinelib also from scratch using configure;make;make install.
Then I built amarok and its all working fine, but sometimes I am unable to
play music as I get that infamous xine error where it sometimes cannot
access audio drivers.
Whenever I get this problem I have to restart the sound system in KDE.
This is very random problem
Googling suggested that libxine-dev and libxine-dbg should be built and this
will fix this random problem.
However googling for these 2 libs turned up packages, either red-hat or
debian etc.,etc.,
I am unable to find source tar.gz for these libs.
any idea, where to get source tar.gz for libxine-dev and libxine-dbg etc.,
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