Hello everyone,
  Sorry, I went off on vacation, without Internet access,
immediately after attending the meeting of the Computer
Society of India (CSI), Ghaziabad chapter, last Fri.

  We have agreed to hold a day-long workshop at the
Inderprastha Engineering College, Sahibabad, on the
7th of June. This will be a joint event between the
college, CSI, and ILUG-D/Freed.in.

The agreed-upon list of topics are listed below:
  o Philosophy of FOSS: Outline is on
  o Software development on a GNU/Linux platform:
    Possible sub-topics are:
    - Editors/IDEs
    - make
    - The GNU autotools
    - Available programming languages
  o Rapid web development with frameworks: The
    programming language and framework are open to
    discussion, but I would suggest PHP/Zend,
    Ruby/RoR, or Python/Django.
  We need volunteers to cover each of the topics.
Please follow up to this message in order to
volunteer. If you are covering either of the last two
topics, please make an outline at


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22-24, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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