Hi all,
 Wow, a week and such an interesting flamewar/topic. It was nice to
see people being passionate about stuff.

Angad, one of the replies quoted wikipedia and some from
Opensolaris/Sun's site about the licensing (CDDL) and stuff like that.
It would have been nice to get a nice discussion revolving around

I frankly don't know if Opensolaris would be treated as free software
(taking FSF's views or guidelines) or open source .

 Few other spins could be to talk about if the license is viewed,
copyleft, strong copyleft  and less or  more permissive and things
like that.

Also where does Opensolaris see itself few years down the line.

There was also talk of making ZFS and DTrace also GPL'ed so it could
be used by most of the GNU/Linux distros. Where's that standing?

I hope you can shed light on these topics. Not just you, the entire community.
 Shirish Agarwal
 This email is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/

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