On Monday 23 Jun 2008, Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल wrote:
> ,--- vaibhav khatavkar writes:
> [snip]
> |                   How do I clean my disk... ??
> By deleting stuff which you don't require. How about cleaning up
> debian downloaded packages cache at /var/cache/apt/archives ?

Do keep the Golden Rule of disk space in mind:  Data expands to fill all 
available disk space.

I've found my usual solution to shortage of disk space is to just buy a 
bigger hard disk.  They keep getting cheaper all the time, and I 
consider my time wasted locating and removing extraneous files more 
expensive than paying for a new 500G or whatever.  Plus you get to keep 
the old disk, so you can fill that up too at your leisure!

Specifically for Vaibhav: try this to see which directories are using up 
the maximum amount of space and clean those if possible:

cd /var; du -s * | sort -nr

The first few directories will be the biggest culprits.  And, uh, 4.6G?  
That's barely enough to run anything.  Here's my / :

mail:~# df -h /
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda7              19G  9.2G  8.7G  52% /


-- Raju
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