On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +++ Viksit Gaur [04/07/08 01:49 -0700]:
>>Oh good lord, the entire list is aflame. Oh wait, no its just the regular 
>>flamers who're flaming.
>>> India has only one timezone. I woulid like to suggest to
>>> change the city to Delhi (from Calcutta), which is the capital of
>>> India, and has been stable since the country's independence in 1947.
>>> If your criteria is the most populous city, it would be Mumbai (formerly
>>> Bombay).
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_populous_cities_in_India
>>I think a decision needs to be made on the basis of how other countries with 
>>single timezones handle this issue. Personally, I think a change to Delhi 
>>seems like the logical thing to do, given that it IS the political capital of 
>>the country - no matter how important other cities in the country may be.
>  ... but we are talking about the time zone, not the political zone (in
> that Delhi being the centre in unquestionable).


> As someone else had mentioned earlier, should we be moving every
> institution of national significance to the capital? Are other cities
> insignificant w.r.t. the country?

This is exactly, where this thread started under what "basis" linux
time zone start showing only Calcutta as the only choice. Is there can
be other reason apart from,  British considered it as the capital
during their time?

I agree Vivek's point to checkout, how other countries with single
timezones handled this issue.


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