Dear Sir/Madam,

I had sent the enclosed message to you on May 18, 2008 but have received 
no reply.  The site continues to require 
Internet Explorer, which is only available by paying Microsoft for use 
of their operating system, and as such discriminates against citizens 
of Delhi who use any other operating system or browser.

Please rectify these issues in the site.  I would appreciate a note from 
you indicating what progress you are making in this matter, otherwise I 
shall be forced to add your site to the ILUGD Hall of Shame for web 
sites.  If that also doesn't produce any results I shall have no option 
but to consider alternative routes to understand why the Municipal 
Corporation of Delhi is promoting Microsoft and its products by forcing 
the citizens of Delhi to buy their operating system to file their 
property tax.

Yours sincerely,

-- Raj Mathur

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Problems with
Date: Sunday 18 May 2008
From: Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your web site: makes the 
following statement:

Please only use Internet Explorer to file Property Tax

I (and many others like me) do not use Microsoft Windows, do not have 
access to a Windows computer and can and will not use Internet Explorer 
for a number of reasons, including security issues.

On behalf of all citizens of Delhi who do not use Internet Explorer, I 
request you to make your web site and web services compliant with open 
standards and open browsers e.g. Firefox and Konqueror.

Further, mandating the use of a specific operating system (Windows in 
this case) for your clients would not be considered acceptable 
behaviour from a respected Government organisation, and I also request 
that your web site be made compliant with multiple platforms, including 
(but not limited to) Windows, Macintosh, Linux, BSD, various flavours 
of Unix and standards-compliant mobile browsers.

Lastly, your web site also contains the following text:

Site is best viewed on IE 6.0 in 1024 x 768 resolution.

I request you to also remove this notice as soon as the web site has 
been made standards-compliant.

Awaiting your early reply and prompt action.

Yours sincerely,

-- Raj Mathur


Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
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