On Wednesday 16 Jul 2008, James Mathew wrote:
> That there are a million such causes is a convenient excuse for
> ignoring them all...
> One of our fellow  freedom fighters is in a deep crisis, and somebody
> requesting help on his behalf is accused of forwarding chain letters.
> I think we should also suggest him some place to go, where someone
> out there is offering financial assistance exclusively for kids
> requiring BMT.

Please go ahead and suggest.  In the meantime, strive to parse the 
following phrase:

  "India Linux Users' Group, Delhi"

Speaking for myself, I have enough worthy causes to donate money to in 
India -- in my immediate neighbourhood -- than to have to go look half 
a continent away for someone to do good to.  And frankly, if I were 
donating money, I'd much rather pay for the education and the meals of 
one starving child in India than for any number of MySQL developers in 
Europe or America.  Not only that, I'd also recommend the same course 
strongly to anyone who makes the mistake of trying to discuss this with 

Before responding, ask yourself whether you have done enough research on 
causes needing attention in your neighbourhood and weighed them against 
the one that you are so passionately espousing on this list.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance & Chill: http://schizoid.in/   ||   It is the mind that moves

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