On Sunday 17 Aug 2008, Yashpal Nagar wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Arun Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Do you have mission critical data on this raid array?  RAID0?
> Yes, it is mission critical, as critical as if data is not available,
> flight wouldn't take off.
> But it is not on RAID0, as I said "experimented" for the example
> shake.

OK.  I get it.

> >> So in theory it appears like expanding the array with new disks
> >> works, with no data loss and you require a reboot into Linux. My
> >> OS was RHEL 4.0 ES
> >
> > The reboot in your case was necessary since you were adding the
> > disk to a hardware RAID system which needed to rebuild the raid
> > array.
> if I am not wrong the disk is already added into the array while the
> system was online, the moment you add the disk, array expansion
> started stating - expanding.

> It the scsi kernel module which required to be reloaded.

OK, glanced through your OP.  Is the module part of standard Linux 
kernel or a binary blob supplied by HP?   I don't know much about the 
behaviour of the HP driver.  To the best of my understanding, one just 
needs to give time to complete the expansion and then it should be 

> > if you have spare disk partitions you can add them to an LVM w/o
> > rebooting, you may have to go into single user mode though.
> single user mode -- to add the partition into LVM?

No, not to add partitions to the LVM but to resize the fs after the LVM 
is expanded.  As a standard practice I use single user mode or LiveCD 
(e.g. Knoppix) whenever I am messing around with disk partitions, LVMs, 
fs resize.

Arun Khan

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