Howdy all,

We need a medium/senior level linux sysadmin to tackle things here at Srijan.
Srijan is pretty much an all-linux outfit, doing php/ruby/python/django/typo3

The profile:

* Someone who is wise and can figure things out, as opposed to someone who
cluelessly does point-and-click/cut-and-paste until the system surrenders out
of weariness.

* Ignorant geniuses will be considered too (these are the kind of people who
have grasp of fundamentals, and don't initially know the ins and outs of what
they're solving, but can understand it pretty quickly. Though you'd have to be
pretty good, since it is pretty hard to beat experience).

* You should have a reasonable degree of shell or perl scripting prowess. (I'm
not expecting perl golfers or OOP bash wizards - just someone who knows the way
to get to that kind of depth if needed, and may indeed have done so earlier,
but who usually won't bother since he just needs quick and dirty fixes ).

* Being manic about documentation for any systems that you architect is
important. (The aim is to make you fungible ;-) )

* Typically, you would be comfortable with installing various linuxes (we tend
to have ubuntu), and not be scared about things like: identifying a
malfunctioning card and replacing it; setting up a basic webserver with
modules; being able to isolate networking problems, using nmap,
ethereal/tcpdump; configuring postfix/exim/squid/samba/mysql/cups/pdnsd/
postgres/RAID/lilo/grub/iptables/procmail/shorewall/ndiswrapper; building hooks
for mutt; compiling a custom kernel; identifying hard-drive failures; memory
failures. You would also be aware of the best current practices and be keen on
implementing them pragmatically.

The above sort of profile is the only requirement that we need. But wait!
There's more!


Working 3 days a week/working from home is also negotiable if you're really

One perk that comes with a flexible and open outfit like Srijan is that if you
have other strengths (non-sysadmin strengths) that may benefit Srijan, then you
are encouraged to ask to be considered for a role that uses that strength. Eg:
Say you think that you are also a budding project manager or entrepreneur, or
sales person - then Srijan is a good place to start applying that talent.
(you're encouraged to renegotiate your salary according to the value you have
brought in with using this extra talent).

If interested, mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call us on 011-41608543


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