My laptops wireless gave up its ghost just a month after the warranty
is over. HP offered to rectify it with minimum estimate of Rs5000
which could possibly go up. So from Nehru Place I purchased a Netgear
WG111V3 USB wireless dongle which obviously was certified to work with
various M$ flavors. Vendor told me if you open the box its yours
without refund unless I was able to prove that the stuff did not work
under claimed compatible O/S.

I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and a quick search showed possiibilities of
getting this tweaked in to working from 5.04 onwards. So I brought one
for Rs1100 including bill. On plugging it in the device showed up in
lsusb and in syslog. So far so good. Did a wine install of the give
software and from the driver directory somewhere under
/home/user/.wine.... found the three driver files needed
WG111v3.inf  wg111v3.sys

sudo apt-get install ndisgtk

Earlier you had to do a lot of command line work to get this going but
now this instals the wrapper package and dependencies. Fired up from
System>Administration>Ndisgtk menu and pointed to the file WG111v3.inf
and wireless was up and running. Only I have not been able to get the
WEP key connectivity but WAP works and of course open networks work.

Sudev Barar
Read for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: I know most of people do not follow email niceties (mostly they
are not aware) but if you follow bottom post/in-line post style of
email conversations it becomes a whole lot easier to carry on
meaningful dialogue and you can snip out what is not meaningful too.
Most people just hit reply button and top post leaving prior message
appended uselessly at bottom. See if you can adopt this style and
persuade others. In case you are already doing this ..... great,
spread the message.

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