On Saturday 23 Aug 2008, abhishek jain wrote:
> Hello,
> I was one of the many persons who attended the talks given by Gora
> and the other people.
> A question arised - what is the motivator behind the FOSS
> development, is it money, or rather can it be money.
> What do you think,
> What is the economics behind FOSS. How can one earn substantial money
> through FOSS?

That's actually three questions:

1. Why do people work with FOSS?

2. How does one earn money from programming in FOSS?

3. How does one earn money from FOSS?

Answer to (1) is pretty simple, if long.  People work with FOSS because 
of one or more of the following:

- It's better.

- It gives anyone an opportunity to go beyond just using and into 
actively contributing to applications.

- There's a strong sense of community when you're working with and 
contributing to FOSS.

- There's a strong sense of achievement when you see your contribution 
actually being used out in the wild.

- You get tons of peer approval (and adulation if you happen to be Linus 
Torvalds) if that's what turns you on.

- Your market value is higher if you know FOSS technologies.

- You believe that software should be free and try to avoid proprietary 
technologies for that reason.

The second question (earning money programming in FOSS) is slightly 
tougher, but it's still possible to do it:

- There are bounty providers who will pay you money to write FOSS code.  
RH and Google spring to mind.  Sarai also does the same.

- You can specialise in extending and customising specific FOSS packages 
for customer requirements.  If the original package happens to be under 
a GPL-like licence your results will also be FOSS.

- You can just tell your clients that any software you write will be 
FOSS, and if the software is meant to scratch a specific itch they 
probably won't mind.  Of course, if the software implements any part of 
their business strategy they won't be that happy with a FOSS solution.

Finally, earning money from FOSS is dead easy -- I do it all the time.  
Rather than make out my own list of ways to make money off FOSS, let me 
point you to Eric Raymond's essay on the subject:


Specific strategies for making money from FOSS are in Chapter 9:


Note that these are ways of making money from coding; you can also make 
ample money from supporting, installing, customising and integrating 
FOSS components for clients.

Comments and additions to this list welcome.


-- Raju
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