> For all sites, it says "Waiting " and then
> nothing happens. This is really
> strange.In google translate, I opened youtube.com and that
> opened, but not
> the images or links which has direct requested to original
> server. Talked to
> airtel guys, but let me tell you, they are the dumbest
> technicians in the
> world (at least at customer care center). I have bad
> experince with them.
> Let me share that to you people:
> Once I called Airtel Broadband Customer care, and asked,
> wht is the Gateway
> address for modem to airtel network, and they said
> I explianed
> the fact to them tat this is modem, which is gateway foir
> my computer. The
> guy thought for sometime and trhen said,
> I shouted and he ran to call senior officers, said he knows
> the address and
> can tell you. The senior person came and I
> had to brief everything again, and at last he said,
> "Sir please write down,
> the gateway address is, and that is used for
> everything, from
> computer to modem, from modem to airtel, wven we here use
> the same"
> Enjoy
> -- 

I have been facing the exactly the issue on Sify. I spoke to Sify for a long 
time, but of not much use. Then I found that if I use Firestarter and allow 
port 80 then it works...I don't know how but it worked for me.


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