Am quoting relevant replies to summarize.

Linux Lingam wrote:
>your question is a tad funny. you see, ubuntustudio is a complete and
>independent linux distro. when you wish to run it in centos, your
>question either implies a) you mistake it for a package, or b) you
>wish to run it in a virtual environment.

Gajendra Wrote:
>To my knowledge both are not binary compatible and infact use
>different type of packages. (centos has rpm and ubuntu deb packages).

Thanks for your kind replies Linux-Lingam and Gajendra.
I really appreciate it-- and the information was really helpful.

Maybe my question sounded dumb to some-- but I guess if people asking
questions judged as dumb are snubbed with sarcasm--- then knowledge will
never spread or be openly shared beyond master-slave kind of transactions--
that's why I never hesitate to ask or share!!!

Also, my thanks to the unicast poster who offered to share his Ubuntu Linux
distro... thanks a ton... will revert unicast...

Thanks and Best Regards,
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