> (b) Dates: Possible dates are:
>    (i) Oct. 4/5
>    (ii) Oct. 11/12: The g.i.s.s. folk are currently
>         expected then, but can conceivably be asked
>         to come the previous weekend.

I am OK with any Sunday, along with second Saturday.

> (c) Venue: Needs a decent sound set-up, as well as
>    normal things like overhead projectors. Finally,
>    a PC with Ubuntu studio, various additional
>    applications, and tested for sound (!) is needed.
>    Possibilities are:

Can we have some more specifics on what will be the focus. I would like to
be there if they are going to share with us some info on FOSS tools to be
used as 'production-quality' alternates to proprietary ones. Because I don't
want to touch any Apple FCP or Windows Avid for video editing. If that is
the case, then we not only come out with good story idea but also able to
influence some of my friends in mainstream media who use closed source
products and bring them to GNU/Linux platform.

 But if the event is just about introduction to some kinds of sound then I
may lose my appetite, as we learnt a lot about sound in our Film making days
in Jamia MCRC ;-)

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