On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:41:00 +0530
Arun Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let us refrain from any comments on the department's comptency.  IMO, 
> ELCOT under Umashankar has contributed to Linux indirectly.  Requiring 
> vendors to provide drivers for Linux is one area that comes to mind.

Sorry. I stand corrected. I am quite aware of ELCOT's,
and Umashankar's support for FLOSS.

I was responding to what seemed to be the thrust of the
message, that is, some government department gave Linux
laptops to everyone without providing for training and
support. I guess that the expectation in such cases is
that the community will automatically step in, and
provide these for free.

I do take back what I said about ELCOT.


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