On Tuesday 30 September 2008 06:18:32 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         And Ubuntu's effort in feeding back patches to Debian have
> not really impressed the Debian developers that much (apart, perhaps,
> from those being paid by Mark).

So, let me get this straight. You find the efforts of full-time 
dedicated Canonical staff contributing back to Debian ok. Your problem 
is with the *users* not contributing back to Debian? And that surprises 

Maybe you have forgotten the profile of end-users that current crop of 
Linux distros like Ubuntu, Fedora address. Debian requires non-trivial 
understanding of a desktop OS from it's users. So it's users are more 
likely to contribute back with quite some detail. The kind of interface 
that Ubuntu/Fedora is moving to, is precisely to remove that kind of 
technical expectation from the end users. 

Given that goal, it is but obvious that the kind of feedback you people 
will get will be less detailed. Take a look at the bugs of Ubuntu as 
compared to the bugs of Debian and you will find the difference. The 
bugs of Ubuntu are generally like "this does not work! somebody please 
fix this!". The bugs of Debian are like "this does not work! I looked 
here and there and this is what I found. Here is what you might be 

It is a qualitative difference. And it is inevitable. That is what is 
going to happen when you take Linux to the masses. Face it! :) If you 
disagree and say you do not want such users, I am sorry, but you and I 
see different futures for Linux.

- Sandip

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