On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 1:37 AM, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> dear all,
> wish to author, present, and share slides, using nothing but a web-browser.
> advantages:
> 1. author anywhere, from any platform.
> 2. present to an audience using nothing but a web-browser on a
> computer connected to an overheadprojector and the internet.
> 3. publish slides under a cc or similar license for archiving and sharing.
> 4. ... and a few more.

FYKI , I am doing work/research on this topic from last 4-5 month.  the
project exactly deals with all your requirement plus more. I mentioned about
the project in last mail.

> criterion:
> 1. the slide-engine must be foss.
> 2. the site must allow publishing under a choice of creativecommons or
> other similar licenses.
> 3. the above two points directly imply: i retain full ownership and
> access to my data.
> 4. the delivery mechanism must not be flash-in-a-browser or other
> proprietary plug-ins.
> ergo, microsoft powerpoint is so tired and completely out.
> openoffice.org impress is not web-based, but web-searching points me
> to http://www.ulteo.com/home/en/ooo?autolang=en

OpenGoo / Project Slimey  ( http://slimey.sourceforge.net/slimey/slimey.html)
are web based version of openoffice

> slideshare.net loses out on its flash-delivery, non-foss, non-cc, and
> god knows what happens when they pack up. however, they've got pretty
> much all the functionality required.

> http://280slides.com/ similarly loses on all counts as slideshare.net
> Please have a look for "Project Eduvid <http://eduvid.techfandu.org/>" It
satisfy All your technical requirement + my 5 law philosophy of "educational

> suggestions, sharing of your experiences, would be welcome.
> regards
> niyam bhushan
> --
> niyam bhushan
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