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Dear Mr Sandip,
I have noted down your points. Thanks for your valuable feed back. Slow and 
steady wins the race .I am getting lot of responses and e-mails .I shall go on 
natural way of debating without fearing .Web is big information super high way. 
Brickbats or Bouquets  All opinions are welcome . You can post your comments 
.All comments are respected .I am preparing a table in which I shall list the 
name of the person with his e-mail ID.I shall list GPL point by point. Against 
each point I am noting Redhat favorable comments by each if any /Noting points 
against redhat policy  by each if any /Redhat comments on each point and 
compile the full table. After making compilation I shall submit it to National 
Law University in Bangalore and request them to conduct a debate in the 
University in public interest .I know  they conduct seminars on Copyrights IP 
Trademarks FOSS and GPL and Law. I shall submit my report to LUG D and Linux 
for you editor. They can guide me. The
 debate is very important as( whether we need GPL any more or GPL is strong 
enough to    defend internal threats).Internal threat are greater damaging than 
external  threats .If all companies adopt Redhat trademark policy of RHEL and 
lock the Linux  distribution who will contribute free code for these Locked 
Linux distributions . Who does not want to  make money if it easy to twist the 
GPL Redhat way .The dream of Linux creater Linus Torvalds and Richard stallman 
of FSF will get shattered  .GPL should not be allowed to become laughing stock 
in front of public. Layman  does not understand twisting of GPL. They only 
understand four freedoms of GPL.  One more view on GPL.: GPL does not restrict 
any one to make  commercial gains out of FLOSS.GPL only advocates that follow 
the GPL copyright License in letter and  spirit and earn money by consulting 
support and services .Any one any company can get monetary benefit consulting 
support and services.Redhat can
 use its trade mark for consulting support and services and training. like any 
other international companies uses .RHCE certification is in most demand. As 
per industry reports IBM earns about 60 Billions only on services per 
year..Most international Indian and Bangalore companies are making money in 
millions of dollars only in consulting support and services and IT Training 
.They go  by laws of copyright laws and  trademarks laws strictly . Basically 
the  project involves three components. consulting support and services and 
Software and Hardware other infrastructure .These companies provide consulting 
support and services for  all  technologies .Once you submit the project it is 
the customer who finally select the the  technology. Now customers go for mix 
technologies .So companies provide consulting support and services on any 
technologies let be it be Microsoft or Unix or Linux (may it be Ubuntu or 
Redhat or Debian or SUSE OR Fedora ) or other
 technologies .Today it is virtualisation era .On single hardware companies can 
put in data centers all Linux distributions all versions or any proprietary OS 
any software free or non free on single server..They can run all Linux 
distributions at time in single server without rebooting the machine. Service 
providers are ready  to put anything for customers.  Even redhat can gain 
commercially by consulting support and services instead of Locking the front 
Gate of Gnu Linux distribution called RHEL which is derived version of Fedora 
is a Linux based operating system that provides users with access to the 
latest free and open source software, in a stable, secure and easy to manage 
form. Fedora strongly believe in the bedrock principles that created all the 
components of operating system, and because of this fedora project guarantee 
that Fedora will always be free for anybody, anywhere, to use, modify and 
distribute. Another striking difference of Fedora
 is its goal to empower others to pursue their vision of what a free operating 
system should be like. Fedora now forms the basis for derivative distributions 
such as Red Hat  Enterprise Linux , the One Laptop Per Child XO and Creative 
Commons' Live Content DVDs.  But Redhat which makes the derived version of 
Fedora in the name of RHEL closed the gates for redistribution with a seemingly 
trademark key and Lock. even though it knows the fundamentals of FLOSS. The 
funniest part of Redhat policy is GPL fundamentals are  OK for Fedora and its 
gate is open. But not OK for RHEL as its gate is locked ..
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or RHEL) is a commercial derivative of Fedora 
tailored to meet the requirements of enterprise customers. It is a commercial 
product from Red Hat which also sponsors Fedora as a community project. Fedora 
is upstream for Red Hat Enterprise Linux but there are several other derivative 
distributions available too. Upstream has open gate and downstream is Locked 
gate. Double standards .Double crossing the community. 
(http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RHEL).As general principal what is OK for fedora 
it should be OK for RHEL. Redhat has two faces .One face for fedora and another 
face for RHEL. Customers are having brains .The companies should treat them 
properly. They will ask hundred questions cannot fool them with terminologies 
.They know what they are buying .Without violating the letter and spirit of GPL 
Redaht can earn revenue by consulting support and services and training  .As it 
has created huge brand equity for Redhat name and and
 it was not created by just by Locking the RHEL redistribution .In any case  
CentOS has already opened the gate of RHEL .There is no harm if redhat opens 
Locked gates of the RHEL now. Even RHEL is available for down load for user 
with one month support free. After that customer is not paying he does not get 
support. Partial gate is already open. from there he can link it to CentOS yum 
repository. Why all this customers can directly take it from CentOS and connect 
yum repository of CentOS for updates. RHEL Gate is opened in the name of 
CentOS. Redhat should understand this public opinion. Instead of forcing the 
open community for round about forced exercise of making centos why not redhat 
open the gate in straight manner to satisfy FOSS World. This is result in 
creating extra work for open community. . 
I am not against the commercial benefits of FLOSS. It's important to not
confuse "FLOSS" and "non-commercial". To see why, let’s first define key terms, 
“FLOSS” and “commercial”: Please visit 
http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/commercial-floss.html FLOSS projects give their 
users many more rights than proprietary products do. Most developers do this 
with the expectation that others are likely to  contribute back to the project 
(with new/improved code, documentation, bug reports, and so on). Thus, most 
“non-profit” FLOSS projects are actually trying to achieve financial gain it 
just happens that they are trying to receive gains of  additional/improved 
software instead of money. As Linux creator Linus Torvalds noted in a 2003 
letter to SCO, the U.S. Code Title 17, section 101 (the law that creates and 
defines copyrights in the U.S.) explicitly defines the term “financial gain” as 
including “receipt, or expectation of receipt, of anything   of value, 
including the receipt of other copyrighted works.” (Note the
 irony of a Finnish software engineer having to explain U.S. law to a U.S. 
Company.) Thus, while FLOSS projects may not receive money directly, they 
typically do receive something of value in return -- namely, other copyrighted 
works (improvements). 

One more different view:Debian is different-Debian may have started out as a 
Purest GPLed typical Linux distribution, but it is more than pure and purest as 
described by Linux for you Magazine in recent article.. Other distributions, 
especially  commercial distributions like Red Hat and SUSE, still tend to treat 
their Linux distribution like more traditional software products. Raw 
materials, in the form of software from Free / Open Source projects, goes into 
a black box where it is packaged and prepared by the vendor and comes out as if 
under     cellophane. The companies may provide the source code to their 
packages, but they lock up their build and distribution processes tight by 
playing tricks with GPL. They trade the complexity of the build, quality 
assurance and distribution processes in exchange for money. The upside for 
their customers; simpler access to Linux. The downside for their customers; 
dependency on the distribution  provider for new
 technology, quality control and ongoing support. Linking to the         
My Research work on the question Is it illegal to  redistribute RHEL ?shall 
continue .I shall be collecting different views .Final conclusion shall
left to FOSS leaders and Redhat .I know that Redhat will respect majority public
M.S.Yatnatti BangaloreKPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive 
chambers, Cunningham Road, Bangalore – 560052. WEBSITE WWW.KPNUNLIMITED.ORG

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