On Sunday 12 Oct 2008, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> During the Software Freedom Day discussion @ Delhi, there was a point
> that how we can work towards further promoting/increasing penetration
> of Free Software in India. There was a suggestion to start a Contest
> at student level to encourage them to work on Free Software/
> GNU/Linux systems.

Sounds like a good idea ;-)

> [snip]
> * Guideline for what kind of projects should students work on?

IMO this is the critical part of the contest.

We shouldn't limit students to only programming projects.  There's all 
sorts of other stuff that can be done, the objective being to involve 
students with all sorts of skills -- programming, artistic, writing, 
analytical, etc. into the process.  For instance, some of the 
activities that the contest could cover include:

- Making fonts

- Translations

- Comparisons of distributions, or FOSS vs non-FOSS environments and 

- Writing user guides and HOWTOs for other students

- Application of FOSS in environments that the students interact with 
regularly (school management systems, grading, testing, etc.)

- Logo, poster and CD cover design

- Hardware/robotics/innovative uses of hardware

I agree it would be difficult to write a statement of objectives given a 
large array of possibilities, but we can throw up suggestions and leave 
it to the students to come up with their own ideas, the only proviso 
being that they get the project approved by us before commencing (so we 
can decide whether it's relevant to FOSS, and guide the student into 
making it more relevant if it isn't).

> * How to engage colleges for this contest?
> * Deadline for final draft of the proposed contest?
> The LINUX For You magazine already organizes a FOSS India Award. In
> fact, a few of the awards could be made exclusive for the students
> category.

Umm, do you really want to club an amateur effort aimed at raising FOSS 
awareness in schools with some corporate awards?


-- Raju
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