On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Swapnil Bhartiya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Someone was asking about making presentations online
>> (can't find that
>> mail thread right now so making a new chain). I just came
>> across this
>> site http://www.ulteo.com that will give online access to
>> Open Office
>> 3.0. What's more is that it gives access to many other

> Doesn't Google Docs do that too?
> Swapnil

Google docs is very different from ulteo as I wrote earlier as a reply
to narendra as well. Ulteo gives you a VNC/Remote desktop like access
to a linux desktop (KDE environs), with native/unchanged access to
full-featured open source apps like open office, firefox, kopete, etc
etc. Here you are _not_ working in a web-based interface, instead it
is the same as, e.g., you boot into your PC, double click on open
office writer and write away. (Basically, if you remove the window
decorations around the browser window, you will not even notice that
you are working in a browser, it will be like a virtual desktop)

I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, U can't prove anything - Bart Simpson

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