Captioned workshop was organised by the institute and CSI on campus.
The audience consisted of students and faculty from the college plus
some faculty from nearby colleges, numbering about 50 people The
following program had been drawn.

* 11.00am-11.30am: Free software: What is it, and how best to make use
of it: GoraMohanty
* 11.30am-noon: The Indian Linux Users' Group, Delhi: SudevBarar
* Noon-1pm: Open Source Software in use: SupreetSethi, others
          o Operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD? , etc.
          o System services: Mail, Databases, etc.
          o Rapid web development: Django, RoR?
          o Frontier areas of technology: Mobiles, embedded devices, robotics.
          o FOSS in education.

However due to schedule conflicts only I was able to turn up. and
covered the first two topics. Few question put by audience were
discussed and answered supported by members of CSI. It was felt that
another session could be organized to cover the hands on topic at a
later date.

Sudev Barar
Read for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: I know most of people do not follow email niceties (mostly they
are not aware) but if you follow bottom post/in-line post style of
email conversations it becomes a whole lot easier to carry on
meaningful dialogue and you can snip out what is not meaningful too.
Most people just hit reply button and top post leaving prior message
appended uselessly at bottom. See if you can adopt this style and
persuade others. In case you are already doing this ..... great,
spread the message.

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