On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Pratul Kalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [roach-bite] hope to see quite a few of you toting a google android G1
>> at the http://freed.in event on feb 20 and 21.[/roach-bite]
>> here's the link to the android story:
>> http://www.techtree.com/India/News/Google_Selling_Unlocked_G1_Phones_in_India/551-96192-613.html
> Damn, its too expensive. ($400 for phone, $25 for Android Market subscription)
> Damn, its on Java.
> Damn, I can get a Freerunner for that money :-P
Not just that, you still haven't added the cost of shipping, customs,
tax etc. I bet it'll add another 150-250$ to the price atleast. I read
that even for canada, it was coming out to be close to 200$.

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