---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Tiller <rtil...@redhat.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:21 PM
Subject: Patent defense, FOSS-style
To: fedora-announce-l...@redhat.com

 I wanted to let everyone know of a new development in the lawsuit
against Red Hat and Novell brought by IP Innovation, a subsidiary of
the noted patent troll firm Acacia Technologies. We are inviting FOSS
community members to submit prior art relevant to the patents, which
may be used to help invalidate the patents.
 On Friday we posted information regarding the three patents in suit
on the Linux Defenders website in its Post Issue Peer to Patent  area.
 The site was developed with Red Hat's assistance by the Open
Invention Network and the Center for Patent Innovations at New York
Law School, which is now being run by our old friend Mark Webbink.
The site is here:
 The claims of the patents, which can be reached from the site,
concern a user interface that has multiple workspaces.    Red Hat has
strong defenses in this lawsuit, but this will likely reinforce them.
We also view this as an additional opportunity for creative
collaboration with the community.

Robert H. Tiller
Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, IP
Red Hat, Inc.
1801 Varsity Drive
Raleigh, N.C.  27606
(919) 754 4232

A. Mani
Member, Cal. Math. Soc

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