Wondering what to do with that old clunker of a digital camera you’ve
got in your drawer?  Try taking photos of space with it. Three
enterprising MIT students have successfully launched and retrieved a
digital camera in order to snap photos of the earth from the upper
atmosphere — and they did it all for under $150.

By loading the A470 with the CHDK open source firmware add-on, the
students were able to implement an intervalometer script to allow the
camera to take pictures every 5 seconds during the camera’s 5-hour, 20
mile journey from its launch in Sturbridge, Mass., to its retrieval in
Worcester, Mass (with the Motorola phone broadcasting the camera’s GPS
location by text message all along the way).


Check details here:

/me thinks if and when any of our college students will do such
activities!!  Such a great fun and learning !!

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