
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Pratul Kalia <pratulka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 2:10 AM, rakesh kumar <kumar3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>>        I wanted to know is there any feature like Visual C/C++ on linux If
>> any body want to do graphical programming in C/C++?
>> reg
> Visual C++ on Windows is a way to use the Win32 API using C++. There's
> nothing "different" about Visual C++, its the same C++ that's used
> every where else. On Linux too, lots of different GUI libraries are
> available that you can use with C or C++.
> Some of them are Qt (C++) wxWidgets (C++) and GTK+ (C/C++). If you're
> looking for an "interface builder", then you have Glade for GTK+ and
> Qt Creator for Qt.

Infact, Qt ( pronounced as "cute" ) is a C++ API/Toolkit.  It can do
more than just GUI programming. A lot more.

Qt Designer is a WYSIWIG tool to design the GUI.

Qt Creator is an IDE for Qt programming and NOT an interface builder.
It integrates, a Code Editor, Help/Documentation, Designer and more.
You can choose to use it or not while programming with Qt. There is a
lot of awesome documentation/examples to learn Qt right from basics to
advanced stuff.

Look around this website - http://qt.nokia.com . There is a lot of
nice things to read and learn if you are interested.

Btw, if you have ever used Google Earth, Skype or Motorola Rokr Phone.
They are all developed using Qt.

Pradeepto Kumar Bhattacharya
A *Proud* Member of The KDE Project.
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