On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Linux Lingam <linuxlin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> on monday past, read an interesting story of a *huge* game-fest at
> some local school.
> loads of youngsters played computer games, in a Bring Your Own
> Computer (BYOC) festival.
> so, how about a Bring Your Own FOSS Computer (BYOFC) and let's hold a
> linux-games contest.
> er... that may include copyleft games that run on other platforms too.
> the buzz and news will be electric.
> i suppose JNU makes a good venue, though any school or college is
> welcome to host this.
> or even the office of any FOSS-friendly or friend-of-FOSS company.
> over to you guys.
> must confess am clueless about games on my little ubuntu here.

It could have been an interesting idea if there were some proper games
for linux. Playing BZFlag and Open Arena only, whole day, along with
the overhead of bringing own computer is not very lucrative. Also I do
not know what is the size of "free world gamer" community. Most of us
tend to be Microsoft Windows slaves.

The fact that you mentioned "er... that may include copyleft games
that run on other platforms too." turns off the whole BYO*F*C deal.
Then its just like any other BYOC. If at all you allow non free
platforms, the mainstream crowd that comes will eventually end up
using non free only. Linux gaming dries out after sometime.

Its an idea worth dwelling on though.

Kind Regards

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