    I am in mid of creating the foss jobs website for foss job posting
in India. I am using jobberbase for this purpose. I need your
== job posting ==
* Any body will be able to post without registration
* posting will include category
** (HELP HELP) please suggest job category
*** C++, Java , Python, Javascript, Web, html5, Graphics designer,
CSS, C, EmbeddedC, Andriod
**** want some more
* posting will include type of job
*** full time, parttime, freelance
*** (HELP HELP ) suggest some more type -- volunteer, trainer,
* All posting will be available using autopost to twitter
* This will be a free of cost service, (yes we want foss adaptation)
* website widgets are available.
(HELP HELP) Anything else you want on such foss job board ? mail me
(narendra.sisodiya [at] gmail.com) Or reply here.
Here is our test setup - http://test1.fossjobs.in/jobberbase-1_8/app/
within 1-2 days, setup will be transferred to main domain

│    Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया )
│    Society for Knowledge Commons
│    Web : http://narendra.techfandu.org

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