On Mon, 17 May 2010 00:05:05 +0530
Varun Mittal <varunmitta...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   I have been working on a grid computing project for last 5
> months and now its ready to do some work.
> If possible please give me a slot in your next meeting so that i
> can explain my program and what all components
> it contains.

This looks wonderful, Varun. Yes, by all means, let us have a long-
overdue ILUG-Delhi meeting the coming Sun., the 23rd of May.
* Suggested time of 5pm (afternoon is too hot, and evening might
  be too late for people coming from a long ways.
* Venue: Two possibilities are:
  - JNU, presuming Herr Doktor Lynn is willing
  - Srijan office (K G Marg, very near CP Outer Circle). This
    might be more convenient to people, but we can accommodate
    only a max. of about 25 people viewing a presentation.

Other suggestions for time, and/or venue welcome. Let us finalise
by Wed.


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