On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:54:46 +0530
Nalin Savara <nsn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A Disclaimer: I am not associated with Freedom Labs-- beyond
> having personally interacted with Aveek and Narendra-- and
> assuming positive rather than bad intentions.

Um, you seem to make the strangest of connections from posts
on this list. I fail to see how you arrived at the conclusion that
the people below assumed bad motives on the part of Freedom

> @Pratul,
> @Amar,
> @Nishant,
> @Nandeep:
> Instead of criticizing Freedom Labs-- you should first understand
> their background and motives.
> They are trying to do what for a lot of school administrators is
> a big headache-- and if for that they want enough to reimburse
> their cost of conveyance and media-- then it is ok.

I will not get into this ridiculous (to me) notion that there is
"good" commerce that does not ask for "too much". To my mind,
commercialisation is a topic largely orthogonal to that of FOSS.

Regardless of that argument, a rule that has been pretty well
followed on this list is that all posts that are commercial be
marked as such, and IMHO, one should err on the side of caution in
marking posts as commercial. If you have failed to notice this,
most people posting even job opportunities mark these as commercial.

Amar, this is in no way a slam against Narendra, Freedom labs, or
yourself. It is even understandable that someone might forget to
mark a commercial post as such once in a while. But, please do that
in the future.


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