On 12 July 2010 21:03, Mahesh T. Pai <paiva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anybody here e-file IT returns?
> Are you able to do it from a FLOSS platform, err.. a PC running
> GNU/Linux?
> The IT department provides onl a .xls file, and a .pdf file; the
> former gives several errors in OO.o, the latter does not open, not
> even in the official acroread I had downloaded from
> marillat. (Marillat is the non-official repository of encumbered
> software for Debian).
> Any ideas?

PDF for ITR1 opened in Acrobat reader(on fedora 13) but seems to save
only the second page.
I could save the XML file but it loaded only the second page.

I haven't tried to file online.

On the xls files, the generation of xml and validation options did not
work - so wasn't useful.


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