Hello everyone,

I have been looking into the most preferred(with reasons) Application and
network monitoring (open source) tools as a combined solution for multiple
servers (physical and virtual platforms).

Our requirements include:

   - Open Source solution (enterprise edition may work at later stage)
   - Monitors Physical and even virtual platforms
   - Highly scalable for hundreds of servers
   - Native Database server: PostgreSQL (+ mysql and oracle)
   - Role based Alerting
   - Every bit of monitoring (with I/O cost incurred in a process,
   availability of resources, Rescue call, automatic redemption etc )
   - Easy nail down of an issue (needle in a haystack)
   - Graphs with dashboard (for all servers running)
   - Reporting (on daily/weekly basis)
   - ability to inject our own scripts or monitor custom scripts

Some of them are listed below:

   1. Nagios <http://www.nagios.org>
   2. Zabbix <http://www.zabbix.com/>
   3. Hyperic HQ <http://www.springsource.com/products/systems-management>
   4. icinga <http://www.icinga.org/>
   5. pandoraFMS <http://www.pandorafms.org/> etc

Other networking tools that are used in combination of Nagios or zabbix are:

   1. monit
   2. cacti
   3. munin
   4. ganglia
   5. collectD etc

Most of them have issues at scaling as they use RRD files to interact with
the server

I would love to hear/discuss on what is preferred, what troubles while
scaling, which architecture is preferred (Hyperic use agent
what will suit to my need ?

Akshay gupta
Ilugd mailing list

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