Dear Friends,

This is Arulalan.T from Tamil Nadu who is the founder of Kanchi Linux User
Group [1] and sending ODOC via sms through out the Nation.

And mentoring for ODOA mail and [Tip] mails from kanchilug to all lugs in


Now I came to IIT Delhi today to attend an interview on 01.12.2010 for join
as "Project Associate" in Department of Center for Atmospheric Science.

Now I am staying in "Satpura" hostel as guest. Paid accommodation fees for 3
days in SBI.

Here I am facing a small problem.

i.e. Tomorrow I will attend interview and they will give me appointment
order after 10 days only. After that only they can arrange room in hostel.
Once I joined here as PA, I will be here for next 3 years.:-)

Upto that Dr.Krishna Autcho Rao (Center for Atmospheric Science) appointed
me  "Contract Basics" for one month from today.

My problem is, I need to stay inside IIT or outside IIT from coming saturday
(04.12.2010) onwards for 10 - 20 days.

They are saying like, guest can stay only 5 days(maximum) in hostels.

Can you people help me for this situation.

Do anybody have friends who is staying outside of IIT. So that I may get a
chance to stay with them for 10 - 20 days.

This is my contact nos +91 9994332225 and +91 8695765744 .

Can anybody give me suggestion to approach this problem. Also I am finding
friends who is staying in delhi to solve this.

Thanks in advance .


Kanchi Linux User Group Rocks !

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