Does the NPDL license mean that I can do anything with the
content/source/item provided I let everyone else do whatever they want to do
with it such that they do the same ?

Forgive my ignorance, I am hearing of it for the first time. Is it an OSI
approved license?

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Narendra Sisodiya <> wrote:

> Well,  is this my first article against Creative Commons License. actually
> not. I am not against any license scheme. I want to express in this article
> is creative commons and anyother license is not made for you - (the normal
> public). There are better license exist which can help you for creative a
> better world.
> Lets us first discuss some of the things.
> *For whom this article made for*
> *       *This article is made for user who have small understanding over
> license and other similar thing. But we are the guys who create some
> resource like write article, post on our facebook wall, we create good
> tutorial by discussion on mailing list. we even blog, one or two article per
> day. We are the typical person who want to live in a world where we can
> reuse other content of the world. We want to reuse the content may be for
> presentation, may be for any other purpose. We create content and we give to
> world, we do not want to care about who use this content and in what manner.
> we even do not to have our name on the content because even if somebody
> knows my name what he hell I will gain out of it. At the same time , we are
> reusing content of other too. we really like one lick sharing button of
> every things to my network and we got fed up of all moronic license which
> are difficult to understand. Till date, I am able to understand only single
> license which is -- which is  "copyright , all right reserved". we
> understand this license and we never reuse or do anything which this kind of
> notice. we observed that there are several licenses exist in the world. we
> live in FOSS communities where Creative Commons is a respectful license so
> we are just using it without reading it text. we have tried 1-2 times to
> read and understand it but we failed to do so. Creative License has country
> wise version. For example CC-By-SA-2.5-In or CC-By-SA-2.5-uk. To my
> knowledge remixing of license from different countries is not clear. we have
> to re-read again and again and get some legal advice to remix content of two
> license which are separated by counties. Even we do not know how to remix
> CC-By and CC-By-SA. When we tried to remix content, we face a hell lot of
> problem. Problem is - "If you increase the text of license, it kill you".
> Creative commons have some bad terms. Some guys put "NC" - non-commercial
> over their content. Share-Alike is itself a non-commercial. When everybody
> has right to do same thing then automatically price reduce. For example, if
> somebody want to sell your article then yes, selling is not bad. he has to
> recover price of printing page. Good part is everybody is allowed to do so,
> so automatically price reduce even if you do not put any NC clause.
> We even are so much dump that we even do not know how to give proper
> attribution. We want to live in a world where we write our content under
> certain license so that anybody from this world can reuse it in any manner.
> we understand the problem like if somebody just want to copy paste one
> paragraph from each of 10 articles then it will be difficult to attribute
> properly. So we people do not want  to say anything on attribution. We says
> just use it. at the most we are happy with giving a back link like some of
> the content are used from this source - "" but this is an optional step.
> We people understand that public domain is not valid in some countries
> otherwise we would have chosen public license for work.
> so, we want a license which is very near to public domain and definition
> should so small that it should never give any confusion over reusing
> contents.
> One Last comment : we want to make it viral.
> *The Answer*
>        I do not have good legal understanding, but I thing following
> License will be vaild in all countries. Do let me know what you feel about
> this license scheme.
> +++++++++++ Start ++++++++++++
> *(c) 2010, Narendra Sisodiya, This work is
> release under NPDL license.
> *
> *Terms and Conditions of NPDL License:
> Permission is hereby granted, to use/reuse this work in any manner,
> provided any use/reuse of the work must be released under NPDL license.*
> +++++++++++ end  ++++++++++++
> Replace you name, year and your website, if you want to use this license
> for your work.
> NPDL is a viral license. It says, you are allowed to do anything with the
> work but it pause a condition that resulting work should contains the same
> license.
> *ReUse of NPDL Content*
>        If You find two 10 article which are released under NPDL, then you
> can reuse it in any manner. All you need to put a common license notice.
> Best thing is adviced is to give credit it in terms of url of source. If
> somebody do not delete the license text (which is the header) then you can
> take photocopy, scan it or do any thing withit. Without even thinking for it
> legality to do so. You can even reuse the NPDL licensed articles into any
> other license. for example if you are writing a book  then you can says -
> "copyright, all right reserved to author but some section are released under
> NPDL. See the list of these section at the end of book".
> One thing you cannot do it to reuse other copyright work for NPDL. for
> example you cannot take a CC-By-SA image and release under NPDL license.
> NPDL is best for incremental wiki or knowledge resources where everyone put
> their small contribution.
> *One Last word, Imagine the world where a huge amount of knowledge is
> available under NPDL license. Next generation will thanks a lot to us who
> will create this new world of instant sharing without any hurdle*
> Please write your thought on it. I am not a lawyer so I cannot give 100%
> legal advice. Write to me at
> narendra AT
> --
> ┌─────────────────────────┐
> │    Narendra Sisodiya
> │
> └─────────────────────────┘
> --
> l...@iitd -
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