Thanks to all who responded.

However, my original question remains unanswered.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Kartik Singhal <>wrote:

> I was wondering if somebody could shed a light on performance issues or
> bottlenecks (latency, slow pages, unresponsive behavior, among others) that
> might arise if we go on choosing the first option to host the website.

I got this doubt only last June when I had attended the ILUG-D meeting at
JNU. During a presentation by two students on their project - neweraHPC,
somebody had pointed out that the difference between a desktop-class and
server-class machine is generally misunderstood by most.

Though I have already googled a lot on the subject but perhaps I have not
been able to put together the right keywords, any pointer in this direction
also will be appreciable.

Kartik Singhal
Ilugd mailing list

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