A bit of an oddball request, and apologies if this is not kosher for
this list. I have quite a few old-but-still-working hard disks lying
about, from 2.1GB to 500GB. I also have an old P3 machine lying about
and was wondering if I could put them to use to get a "toy" media
server out of it and in the process get some actual experience with
doing fun things like flipping a hard disk's power supply on and off
while writing data to a RAID. Problem is that the number of drive bays
is far smaller than the 4 hard disks I want to fit inside. I've seen
aluminium brackets that can be screwed into a 5.25" drive bay that can
hold a 3.5" hard disk. Anyone know where I can buy some of those?
Also, I'd prefer to stay with Linux but ZFS sounds absolutely awesome,
though I know that anything solaris is dead. Am considering Nexenta.
Does anything LVM-ish or similar compare?
Aniruddha Shankar

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