On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Prashant Batra <prashant0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I read it somewhere, motivation is only needed to get started with a thing,
> then it is the thing that drives you on. I feel, this holds true for any of
> the open source projects.


> From your past experiences of getting involved, please share your journey of
> how you landed into the open source world.

Why don't you start from yourself. Give us something that you want to
share. People will get idea from it about wht you really want to know
and why.

> When I say landed into, it means contributing, getting some responsibility,
> and so on.

Flame bait !!!! What you mean by "contribution"? What is your
definition? Please elaborate. Are you talking about "show me the code"

> Also, tell some projects (if you know any) that have just started or are in
> a phase which requires good amount of active contribution.

Have you checked sourceforge?

ps: I have no intention of discouraging you. Just talking in the
context of "reality" from the community.

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