On 5/7/11, RUPALI DUBEY <aryadube...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I would like to know how to download videos through DamnVid (in ubuntu
> 10.04) from youtube, I entered the url but the downloading couldn't take
> place

Not sure what in the world DamnVid is, and all the follow-ups
seem to have gone into la-la GUI, specific app that breaks with
the next youtube update thingamajig.

Maybe it is just me, but when I used to copy youtube videos
(only, *ahem*, authorised ones, mind you), I used to go to the
URL in Firefox, and then look for a xyz.flv file in /tmp. Does
that no longer work? I will also take this opportunity to admonish
people to not infringe copyrights: Do not want any stealth
helicopters outside *my* compound.


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