Forwarding FYI

Pycon India 2011 :: 16 - 18 September, Pune, India.

The third edition of PyCon India is being held in Pune,India from 16th
September 2011 to 18th September 2011. The organisers of PyCon India
2011 are looking for talk and tutorial proposals to fill the formal
presentation and tutorial tracks. We accept proposals on a very broad
range of topics related to Python programming.

Important Dates
  Call for proposals opens: May 10, 2011
  Proposal submission deadline: June 30, 2011
  Proposal acceptance: July 18, 2011
  First presentation upload: Aug 15, 2011
  Final presentation upload (with changes if any): Aug 31, 2011

Permission to record/release presentations
In PyCon India, we intend to record all presentations live and release
the recordings for free on the Internet so as to benefit the wider
Python community. When you are submitting a proposal, you
automatically give the Indian Python Software Society, the organizers
of PyCon India, the permissions to record/edit and release the
audio/video of your presentation.No exceptions will be made in this
regard. If you do not want a recording of your presentation to be
made, don't submit a proposal. The released media will be licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution License, version 3.0.

Topics for PyCon India
We encourage high quality proposals in all the areas involving Python
: the language, its implementation, uses, and the community behind it.
Each proposal will be judged according to its correctness, clarity,
and elegance. We invite everyone interested in Python to participate.

 Core Python (including Python 3.x)

 Python standard library

 Other Python libraries and extensions

 Other Python implementations (such as PyPy, IronPython etc)



 Data Analysis/ Engineering in Python

 Scientific Programming

 Network programming

 Game programming

 Education and Training


 GUI programming

 Packaging Python Code

 System administration

 Business applications


 Software development tools


 Web programming

 Mobile computing

 Open source Python projects

Talk Format
The typical length of a talk should be no more than 45 minutes. The
presentation style should be concise, to the point with sufficient
examples to clarify the discussion to the audience, if needed. After
every talk there will be time reserved for questions from the audience
(10 minutes). We will be providing a buffer of 5-10 minutes between
talks so that the presenters get sufficient time to set-up their talk
and attendees can move between the halls.

Tutorial Format
The typical length of the tutorial should be no more than 3 hours. All
the classes run in PyCon India are volunteered. If you like to propose
a tutorial, The submission of the tutorials also follow the same time
lines as the talks.

Proposal submission
Talk and tutorial proposals should be submitted to

Ramakrishna Reddy                                               GPG
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