On 05/20/2011 03:21 PM, Ashish Jain <ashish.ashutos...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am implementing virtual machine in Linux and want to configure a NAC
software, for which I need to create virtual interface in Linux/ubuntu and
want to assign ip's through dhcp server, and want to use them as a nodes.
Plz help me how to do this.
For example :
eth0 ->  is my real ethernet card.
virtual interfaces :
eth0:0 ->  dhcp server
eth0:1 ->  get ip from dhcp server.
eth0:2 ->  get ip from dhcp server.

Which virtualization software are you using? If you're using KVM, then the best way to do it is by using a bridge. In Ubuntu/Debian you can do this

# apt-get install bridge-utils

Modify /etc/network/interfaces, remove the entries of eth0 or comment them, and put something like the following as per your network configuration

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_maxwait 2

Reboot preferably (or do ifup br0 - but it would require eth0 to be ifdown prior to that). Now you can create a virtual machine and specify br0 as the shared physical network. You can run dhcp server bound to br0 and your virtual machines would automatically be assigned the IP addresses which are reachable from other machines.

I think by default their network interfaces be called vnet0, vnet1 and so on which you can change by modifying /etc/libvirt/qemu/machinename.xml file's (only if there's an absolute need)

<target dev='vnet0'/>

Use ifconfig to see those network interface. I don't think you'll require virtual interfaces such as eth0:1 as the virtualization software would automatically handle those for you.

Check this out too

Vivek Kapoor

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