
If you are a network engineer in Jaipur who can be onsite,
and take on small tasks, probably on a part-time basis. or
know of such a person, please contact me off-list?

Appended is a request from a small American startup
who have some kind of a setup in Jaipur. I do not know
any further details, as this request came through a
third-party. It seems like a simple task for now, but might
become more interesting later on.

We'll be upgrading the network configuration in both Brooklyn and
Jaipur.� This will involve new hardware as well as new providers.� We
will do our best to configure as much as we can in Brooklyn but at
some point, someone in Jaipur will need to make some configuration
changes at our direction, not to mention plug things in and do the
tests to make sure it was done correctly.� It's best if that person
not only be able to follow the instructions but also know what they
mean in the first place in case something unforeseen comes up. For
example, instead of "I connected the machine but still couldn't get
connectivity.� Please advise" we would want to hear "I plugged in the
machine and there was no connectivity as expected, so I first checked
to see if I could ping the gateway and that was OK and then I ..."

So maybe not necessarily a network guru but someone who knows
something about networks.

On the tactical side, right now we're troubleshooting some network
issues between Jaipur and Brooklyn involving the VOIP phones. We just
set up some network sniffers on the Jaipur side and are doing the same
on the Brooklyn side so we're good with this for now because we were
able to do that setup remotely.� When we start plugging and unplugging
things eventually, things may get more exciting over there :-)

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