Hello everybody,

It has been long since I left this list just due lack of time, I was not that very active a contributor to F/OSS then and may be shall never be much in the future as well; I'm 50+ and getting older day by day.

Anyway, I still maintain a few FreeBSD ports (http://anu.homelinux.net/ports), PKGBUILDs for ArchLinux (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=bdheeman), debs for Debian (http://anu.homelinux.net/pub/Debian/) and Ubuntu (http://anu.homelinux.net/pub/Ubuntu/).

I scraped together, FreeBSD-7.2 (just to fit the things on 1GB UBS stick) and 9VX and released it as Nano9 (http://werc.homelinux.net/hacks/nano9/) around a year ago.

I mostly remain busy trading stocks, bullion, currencies, commodities and, or derivatives these days, hence actively work on personalized copy (not a fork) of Qtstaker (http://qtstalker.sourceforge.net/) only.

Last but not the least, a big thanks to Ashish SHUKLA (http://ashish.is.lostca.se/) with 1Mw smile :)

Thank you,
Best wishes,

Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman

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