2011/11/11 Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <r...@linux-delhi.org>:
> On Friday 11 Nov 2011, A. Mani wrote:
>> (In French)
>> http://fgallaire.flext.net/comparaison-langage-balisage-markup-lightw
>> eight-leger-txt2tags-pandoc-docutils-asciidoc-deplate-stx2any-aft-mar
>> kdown-textile/
> Surprised that Emacs org-mode, which does excellent export to HTML and
> LaTeX (PDF) is missing from the comparison (though my French isn't all
> that good -- non-existent, actually).
> If you don't care about the advanced features, org-mode is a superb
> lightweight text markup system.

org-mode is certainly very useful, though I seem to have drifted
away from it for no very good reason.

Also, strangely missing from the comparison is reStructuredText:
http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html . Thanks to Sphinx
( http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html ) this seems to be becoming
the documentation markup language of choice in the Python


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