Fri 23-Dec-2011: ILUG-D activity in last 7 days:
New/recent events: 0   Total events: 83
New Discussion forum postings: 2   Total postings: 1139
1. RE:samba server configure /ad
Author: Shoaib shaikh
Posted on: Mon, Dec 19, 2011

>can any one give me complete steps of how can i install redhat 5 server el and 
>after install this red hat 5 how can i configure smba server ad and i also 
>want to make 4 directory on this server and how can i give them this different 
>different privileges on this directory...

2. samba server configure /ad
Author: Shoaib shaikh
Posted on: Sat, Dec 17, 2011

can any one give me complete steps of how can i install redhat 5 server el and 
after install this red hat 5 how can i configure smba server ad and i also want 
to make 4 directory on this server and how can i give them this different 
different privileges on this directory...

New News items: 0   Total News items: 375
New Resources: 0   Total Resources: 0
New comments: 0    Total comments: 262
New pictures: 0    Total pictures: 231
New members: 2   Total members: 6950
1. GAURANG AGGARWAL, Power User, , India
2. Shoaib shaikh, User, gujarat, India
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